The #1 reason subconscious reprogramming & brain rewiring "doesn't work"

The number one reason I see brain retraining & subconscious mind reprogramming “not work” to help people heal their chronic health issues

Lack of consistency & repetition

Everyone wants the cheat code to healing their body until it takes months of doing something difficult every day.

Ya i said it- brain rewiring is “difficult” because you have to stay consistent & repeat the process day in & day out for months to reap the benefits.

Your mind is not stagnant or fixed, it's always adapting- that means that YES we can rewire our brain to change your physical health but many people don’t want to stay consistent or repeat their affirmations or the brain retraining meditation for months to reap the benefits.

Neuroplasticity is the ability to rewire

your brain by reforming or reorganizing current neural connections.

The brain is constantly strengthening or weakening neural connections based on which ones are used the most. or least which it deems most "necessary" or "unnecessary"

We don’t remember what we learned in Spanish in high school because our brain deemed it unnecessary & made space for more important things. What you think & believe about your health daily gets hardwired in.

Why must we retrain the brain so that you can

heal your physical body?

The connections that you think & believe daily are framing your current reality whether you like it or not. So in order to retrain the brain we have

to disconnect the connections with limiting beliefs & strengthen the connections with what we are trying to create more of.

This is why consistency is KEY for

this process of rewiring the brain. Subconscious beliefs impact what you attract in. Your thoughts & beliefs that you hold onto hold the strongest neural connections!

WHY? Because you have likely had similar thought & beliefs every day for years

Get it? Repetition & Consistency are key to rewiring the brain & changing your life.

Yes maybe you’ve been sick for years but that story has not served you thus far- start believing a different story, start rewriting the story that your brain is telling your body every single day. So yes maybe it “hasn’t worked” in the past because there was a lack of consistency or repetition or clearing out of old limiting beliefs & stuck negative brain pathways.

But you can change your current reality starting today- tell yourself a different story to heal your body.

Want my proven approach to brain retraining, subconscious reprogramming, & energetics to heal your physical body? Comment HEAL & I’ll send you more info!