Limiting Beliefs- How are they holding you back?

“The thoughts, beliefs, and emotions we don’t consciously reject, we unconsciously accept” - Jen Sincero

I recently read this quote in one of my favorite books, You are a badass at making money by Jen Sincero and it got me thinking. What does that quote mean to me? To me, it means if you’re not working to change your behaviors & rewire your thoughts then you are you are unconsciously accepting them. This is all fine an dandy if you’re living your dream life and you’re 100% happy with your current reality, but if there is something you want to change about your reality, and you’re subconsciously or unconsciously accepting it, then it won’t ever change.

So let’s break it down here, we know the subconscious mind rules 95% of our thoughts & actions, so that just means our unconscious thoughts and beliefs are insanely POWERFUL!

Let’s break it down a little more,

Thoughts- When you wake up each morning what thoughts go through your head? Is it about if you’ll actually make money or land a client? Is it doubting? Is it riddled with lack & scarcity rather than trust & abundance? Do you think about whether you’ll feel good today? Do you expect to feel bad or brace yourself for your day shifting for if you do?

Are those thoughts that a 6 figure earning entrepreneur would have? NO! Are those the thoughts that a fully healed person would have? HECK NO!

Remind yourself that every day you are healthy, wealthy, & successful, that you are 1 sale from your best month yet, that your body is healing every single day. If we are not consciously shifting & reframing these thoughts we are unconsciously accepting them and allowing them to dictate our reality.

Beliefs- What do you believe about your reality? Do you believe that success & money has to be challenging for you? Do you believe your business will always be hard? That you have no support? That making money is hard? Do you believe that being healthy or losing weight is hard? etc

These are all stories that you are telling yourself- you can change them at any point.

Start telling yourself a different story, one that is the story you WANT to be repeating- you are wealthy, healthy, successful, abundant etc. And align your actions with those beliefs. Show up as the person with those beliefs & your reality will shift in accordance.

Emotions- Are you saying you want to be wealthy & successful etc but not really doing anything to get any closer to it? Are you letting your fears stop you from taking action?

Do you say affirmations but you're merely going through the motions & not really feeling what it's like?

Do you visualize yourself every day in your dream life and allow yourself to feel the emotions that come with it?

Feel the emotions of your dream life, live it daily, create joy, abundance etc every single day & watch your reality shift.

The good news is that you can make a change today to shift your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. You can shift your thoughts, tell yourself a different story, and change those emotions TODAY and be one step closer to healing your relationship with your health, your family, money, your business etc!

I teach you how to do all of this for your business in expansion biz academy, where I teach you the step by step process to go from earning $0 to six figures. There are so many modules about money mindset, limiting beliefs, and retraining & shifting the subconscious mind.

No more strictly doing the physical tasks for your business, we’re going deep for sustainable growth via shifting limiting beliefs & the subconscious too. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to align with that 6 figure entrepreneur version of yourself & invest in your business to take the next step forward!